Thursdays, 3:30PM unless otherwise indicated
Location: 2079 Natural History Building
Post-talk reception 4:30 to 5:00
January 18: No colloquium (first week of classes)
January 25: Yurena Yanes, U Cincinnati
"Land Snails as paleoenvironmental and paleoecological proxies"
February 1: Buckley Lecture in Environmental Geology
Andrew Wickert, U Minnesota
"Flowing ice and river gravels: interactions between climate, glaciers, and fluvial geomorphology"
February 8: Ed Ripley, Indiana U.
"S, Os and Cu Isotope Systematics of Sheet- and Conduit-Style Ni, Cu, PGE- Sulfide Mineralization in the Midcontinent Rift System"
February 15: Ralph E. Grim Lecture
Mark Brandon, Yale
"Cenozoic evolution of climate, topography, and tectonics in the Patagonian Andes"
February 22: Ethan Theuerkauf, ISGS
"Observational and modeling investigations into the drivers and impacts of coastal geomorphic change"
March 1: Hua-wei Zhou, U Houston
"Advances of seismic imaging in exploration geophysics"
March 8: Philip Anderson, Dept. of Animal Biology, UIUC
"Caught between a fossil and a hard place: What can biomechanical data tell us about morphological evolution in deep time?"
March 15: Buckley Lecture in Environmental Geology
Corey Lawrence, USGS
"Soil carbon storage and stability across the landscape: How do we improve our ability to predict soil dynamics at the regional scale?"
March 22: NO COLLOQUIUM (Spring Break Week)
March 29: Mike Machesky, IL State Water Survey: Aqueous Geochemistry
"Ion adsorption phenomena into the hydrothermal regime"
April 5: Kirkpatrick Lecture
Mike Poland, Cascade Volcano Observatory, volcanism
"Magmanomic bull and bear markets at Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii"
April 12: Craig Lundstrom, Dept Geology, UIUC
"New views of silicic magmatic systems: Granite (and rhyolite?) origins as low temperature mush"
April 16 *Please note time and date change* - Monday at 4PM
Mineralogical Society of America Distinguished Lecture
Jon Blundy, University of Bristol, UK
From Ores to Eruptions - rethinking the architecture of magmatic systems
April 19 Andy Aschwanden, U Alaska Fairbanks
"The Greenland Ice Sheet: Will it stay or will it go?"
April 26: Ralph E. Grim Lecture
Peter Zeitler, Lehigh
"Two thermochronological views of crustal evolution: tectonic and erosional feedbacks in the Himalayan corners, and a Proterozoic enigma"
May 3: NO COLLOQUIUM (last week of classes)